Kia ora, the star players, Greenwald, Snowden, Asange, have gone. I have no problems believing what they say. And as everyone keeps saying no-one has yet proved them wrong. Now, it appears there has been spying on other countries. At the bidding of another country.

What Key doesn’t seem to realise is that Greenwald is not only cleverer but doesn’t have anything to lose.

That said, The Moment of Truth show, from what I’ve seen, was a poorly directed, badly written script, the leading man was not up to the role.

Kim Dotcom allowed his dislike of John Key and his desire to see him and his party out, to matter too much.

Why did he release it early? It was like we got the entrée but where was the meat and potatoes?

However – this is shaping up to be a long-running show – remember all those musicals that only have one great song? Don’t Cry for me Argentina, Seventy-six Trombones, Some Enchanted Evening, they didn’t have good scripts either, just one good song and one great leading role. And they ran and ran and ran.

I Don’t Remember that, is a well-played bouncy number, lyrics a bit mundane but when has that ever stopped a song from being a hit? I have No Knowledge of That is another strong contender, but my pick is There is no Mass Surveillance – I think that might top the charts.
