Kia ora, it was certainly scary in Otaki late afternoon Sunday a week ago when we felt the big quake – did I dive under a table? Take refuge under a desk? No I sat at the computer wondering if was imagining it. Some people take a lot of convincing. Next time I’ll dive under the desk immediately. I noticed also that my desk was placed next to three shelves that are not attached to the wall – and for a few nights I put things (jars etc) on the floor before I went to bed in case they got rattled.

Went to see Gardening with Soul, the documentary by Jess Feast about Sister Loyola Galvin, Head Gardener at the Home of Compassion in Island Bay. An inspiring film and I’m glad I went. Next day I went out in the garden and did some weeding, planted some green-leafed vegetables, not brassicas, not so fond of them, and then made a salad using silver-beet.

I read up about silver beet in the cook’s salad garden re-visited by Mary Browne, Helen Leach and Nancy Tichbourne. They said you can use the leafy part in a salad, stalks removed and slices thinly, and I thought, why not, and with a little spring onion and my usual dressing, it was delicious.

Dressing – into a little jar I put equal quantities olive oil, lemon juice, then a little mustard, salt and pepper, garlic and sugar, then shake it all about, and there you are. Quantities can be varied according to taste. Whoever told me this basic recipe, I’m sorry, your name has been lost in the mists of time, but thank you.