Kia ora Koutou, the hearing aids are three-quarters successful but I think they need tweaking – this will happen when I go for a check–up appt in a couple of weeks. Its a bit screechy listening to RNZ but that will be adjusted.  When you first get them (and as you’ve never worn them before) the settings are more of a guess than an educated judgement. I listened to Kris Kristoffersen sing Bobby Magee and the audiologist set the levels but its a different thing at home.  I totally understand that but its hard separating out that sort of thing from the other difficulty of inserting them properly. Of course I expected this to be tricky but its a hell of a lot more so than I thought.

How much easier it would be if I could see what I was doing when my arms and hands and fingers are wriggling around trying to insert the little thing into my stupidly small earhole. The canal in my left ear is very narrow apparently, so after a few hours it sends the message that its hurting. The advice is to take the aid out and let the canal settle down which is what I’ve been doing and each day I’ve had it in longer. Yesterday it was just after seven when I took it out.  So onwards and upwards. The recharger is great. And I know that time will take care of most of the initial hiccups.

The roses are being pruned today. They will have a hard prune this year. Every second year this happens. Its the drum I march to.

My friend Kim is a trained pruner and she’s doing the job. This is a very happy event for me and for the roses.  Although they look a bit short and bare and maybe a little daunted at first I know they’ll get into gear once spring comes, the sap revs up and then, then there’ll be buds and beautiful blooms.

And as a gesture towards that time, there are three Ingrid Bergman roses in a vase in my workroom.