FoxtonEstuary0649Kia ora,

Getting ready to pack up tomorrow because I’m off to Foxton for a week. Staying in a house by the estuary. Possibly some of you have stayed there. I’m looking forward to it very much. I’m not sure about the internet situation there but here’s hoping. There’ll be somewhere I can take the laptop I’m sure. Drove into Wellington this morning and again it was looking beautiful. I’m storing up these images in my head and will bring them out when you know what hits the city.

Chapter 11 … Okay, auditions have been held, Hester’s got a cast — not exactly as many as she hoped for but she will do it. Dinner at Daisy’s is a pleasure after the day she’s had. Auden makes a toast, ‘Here’s to Drama.’ Hester might have to strangle him. Then a dirty matted apology for a dog turns up. A dog? Hester hates dogs. And this particular one is not too impressed with her either … coming up on Wednesday…

In the meantime, read Chapter 11.