I’m not much good at this old age stuff
I’ve got the wrinkles, sagging breasts
I’ve got the aches in my knees
I get that – it’s all the rest
Nurses calling me dear
ticking retirement before they ask
I’m crap at that.

I’m not much good with those who say
‘I don’t know what the world’s coming to.’
It’s so damn clear it’s coming to
the same old things it’s always come to
wars, rape, girls bundled into trucks
And they’re worried about Twitter?
I’m crap at getting that.

I read a comment on Youtube
This guy said I don’t mind
Women singing my songs
As long as they’re not feminist
Wanted to do him a serious injury
Definitely not good, not good at all.
I’m real crap at this old age stuff

Now someone on the radio
Goes on about a silver tsunami
And how they need to plan for it
Like we’re aliens from outer space
Like it’s not going to happen to them?
Yep, clearly established –
I’m real crap at this old age stuff.
