
I saw you wearing a red scarf the other day so I knew instantly you must be a supporter of that unionist puppet, David Cunliffe.

Why did he say such a thing? Why on earth would he be ashamed of being a man? Good on the media for giving him a hard time.

I mean, 20,00o domestic abuse cases? What’s that got to do with me? I’ve never hit anyone. None of the men I know would do such a thing so why should we be ashamed?

Let’s face it, a lot of women cook broccoli when they know the guy doesn’t like it – then they expect him to smile?

The Women’s Refuge is always moaning – how long has that organisation been going? You’d think with all the money they get from donations and the government they would have solved it by now. They’re a bunch of manhating lezzies anyway – everyone knows they’re biased. They probably wear red scarves too.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying there’s no problem – some men do treat their wives badly, but I’m not like that and I object to that red-scarf-wearing know-it-all making that kind of comment.

Probably looking for public support. Well he fell in there, didn’t he.

I mean ask yourself – he goes off on holiday when he should be doing his job? Three days? A lot can happen in three days as we know from the bible.

Yes, I know what you’re going to say – John Key took off for eleven days but that was different. Being Prime Minister is very hard work and he needed a break. And besides, one thing you can say about John Key, he doesn’t wear a red scarf.

Yours sincerely,

Right-Minded Citizen.