I’m wondering whether, like lots of others, what exactly I get from FB.  As you probably know I have a gripe. I joined using Renee WednesdayBusk. Thought this was okay.   Renée is the name my friends know me by and WednesdayBusk is my busk.

Busking is a very theatrical thing to do. It has the same chances of success or failure, needs the same amount of effort, and there’s the same amount of risk in getting up on stage and writing for the stage, as going out on a footpath somewhere and setting up your busk. The blog seemed equally chancy so Renée WednesdayBusk seemed to accommodate all sides. The Wednesday bit was because I’ve always liked Wednesdays and they seem to like me.

As an aside does anyone else have a day of the week that is especially good to them?

Back to the name.  Four or five years later someone complained to FB that Renée WednesdayBusk wasn’t my name so I got a brisk message from FB.  As you all know I have very compliant nature so I fiddled around a bit trying to see if I could use just Renée but apparently I am the only one in the entire world who wants to do this.  FB didn’t say this they just kept hammering on about my full name.

I’m the first person to acknowledge that when it comes to technology I have a very narrow range of skills.  But try as I might I can’t get them to change it. Even Renée Taylor would be better.

I asked someone more knowledgeable than me to have a look and they said because I confirmed that Renée Gertrude Taylor was my full name, nothing can be done. They put Renée as my ‘nickname’ but that still didn’t soften FB’s cold and stony heart and my posts remained attributed to the full monty.

This may seem a trivial matter to you and compared to things that are happening in the world and in Aotearoa NZ, it is. But its irritating.

When I decided to use just my legal first name, as my professional name, it caused a stir and a lot of people continued to use Renée Taylor to show me how much they despised this then 50-year-old female who decided only to use one name.  Who did she think she was?

FB only exists because of people writing posts. I like reading my friend’s posts and enjoy keeping up the connection via FB.  Now I have to decide whether it is nobler in the mind to remain Renée Gertrude Taylor or do the slings and arrows thing and cancel FB. That is the question.

What do you reckon?