Kia ora Koutou, I’m noticing how fashionable its become to say ‘Interesting’ in reply to almost any comment. It can mean one of two things. One is, ‘You are boring me to tears but it would be rude to say so – so I’ll say ‘Interesting.’  And the other is ‘You are a total wanker and you need to be shut in a suitcase for five hours’ but if I say that I’ll be blocked off Facebook and Twitter and everywhere else so I’ll just say, ‘Interesting’.


You say, ‘Did you see that two hundred people came out to sweep the footpaths in Wellington today?’


‘Hi, I was at the shop today and the shop assistant tripped and fell into the aquarium.’


You’re getting desperate now…

‘Did you see the sky is going to turn purple with yellow stripes at 3am tomorrow?’

‘Is it? That’ll be interesting.’ (It won’t be interesting – its a giant lie, you fool).

‘I saw three thousand monarch butterflies today.’

‘Did you? That’s interesting.’ (its not interesting you idiot, it’d be an effing miracle if it wasn’t a lie)

‘I’m leaving for the moon tomorrow. Rocket launch from Mahia.’

‘We went to Mahia once. It was really interesting.’

Okay, you win.
