Kia ora, I have discovered how to make Flat Bread – D for delicious flat bread – the real McCoy – it is even brushed with oil and has chopped rosemary from the garden on the top with a little sea salt.

I am very pleased with it and and tomorrow when I bake another lot I’ll put up a photo for you to see.

There’s something very satisfying about making bread and when you don’t have to knead it, the pleasure is even greater. It can be made into sandwiches, eaten with all sorts of meats, cheeses, eggs, lettuce, tomatoes. Perfect summer bread, perfect winter bread (think soups).

If I want a sweeter loaf instead of the oil and rosemary I can mix sugar and cinnamon and scatter that over the top.

Among bread eaters the world is divided into those who like crust and those who like crumb (what us aficionados call the soft white stuff in the middle) and I like crust.

It makes good toast too.

All I did was pick up a book from the library called No Need to Knead by Suzanne Dunaway and away I went. Try it…