Chirp chirp

Chirp chirp

Early Sunday morning. Birds in the ceiling. Later I texted my neighbour and asked if she’d heard any and she said they hadn’t but she would speak to someone who might know someone who would have a look. The guttering is overdue for a clean and some bits need renewing so I thought I’ll get it all done at the same time.

Bye Bye Blackbird…

The chirping continued. I worked on the computer, took little notice – its like people who live close to a railway line, after a while it ceases to impinge.

Then Chris texted to say he was coming out, did I want anything and I said yes please, a pie. I have a weakness for pies. Its over a year since I had the last one so I’m not exactly a takeaways kind of person person but every so often a pie seems a good thing to eat.

So he came out, with pies, and while we were eating them and coffee was brewing, there it went again, Chirp Chirp, chirp chirp.

‘Birds in the ceiling,’ I said.

He listened. ‘That’s not birds,’he  said, ‘that’s an electronic chirp.’

So we had a look around and there were two possibilities.

He got the ladder and had a look. ‘The fire alarm,’ he said. So he went out and got a new battery, Came back. Changed batteries. The chirping stopped.

I didn’t even feel foolish, I felt pleased. I didn’t like the idea of little birds being dragged out from their nest and probably dying while their distraught mother screeched helplessly.  And its made me do something about the guttering which I’d just shoved to the back of my mind. As you do. Now its at the forefront so the chirp chirp wake up call has to be good.

And of course the fire alarm is now a proper working fire alarm.

Chirp, chirp…