Marta struggled against the chains that tied her to the railway tracks. The Red Scorpion watched, smiling evilly. In the distance the lights of the train could be seen. Smoke from it chimney floated in the air as it approached the crossing and its whistle roared, ‘Coming, ready or not.’

‘You have one minute,’ said the Red Scorpion, his evil smile revealed gleaming evil white teeth, ‘one minute my lovely, so choose quickly –  Me or Death on the Rail?

In the distance the Black Figure shouted to The Red Scorpion, ‘Untie Marta, untie her you pernicious evil wretch.’

‘Help, help,’ screamed Marta, her lustrous long black tresses tossed by the wind, her lustrous dark eyes full of fury. ‘Untie me me you foul fiend,’ she shouted.

Lights from the train came closer…the chugging got louder, ‘Whoo whoo‘ screeched the train.

‘Oh dear Medusa, will no–one come to my aid?’ screamed Marta.

The train got closer but just as it was 20 seconds away from the crossing, over the hill marched the Otaki Old Girls’ Marching Team. ‘Oh Dear Heaven,’ cried the leader, whose name was Marian, ‘Get a move on girls, we are on a mission – ‘. Marian raised her voice, ‘Coming Marta, take heart – we’re coming…’

The Otaki Old Girls’ Marching team broke into a run. They scorched down the hill, walking sticks, walkers and wheelchairs forgotten. Kim, limping because she’d been a little too physical at ballet class, was first to reach the evil Red Scorpion. She stretched out her walking stick and curved it round his neck. ‘You dastardly evil wretch,’ she cried, and pulled on the stick. Allison and Anne–Marie grabbed the evil Red Scorpion’s legs while Penelope whipped out some strong pliers and began attacking the chains. It was a rather fraught moment for Marta who worried that the pliers might cut off an ear by mistake. Mary pulled out some books and gave the Red Scorpion one where it hurt and while Sylvia and Robynanne helped to hack the chains, Lyn, Rachel, Averil and Terry raced, well, moved as quick as they could, towards the approaching train, waving their arms. Jamie held up a sign saying STOP and Miriam whipped out a large iPad and turned on the camera. Ann yelled ‘You’re for it, you villainous evil wretch,’ and Vicky and the other Renée(s), shook their fists. Menacingly.

The Red Scorpion, stopped snarling and uttering curses, and backed off. Foiled by the fickle finger of Fate, he thought. Something  should be done about this cursed marching team. They always beat me. Its not fair.

Maggie, the train driver,  got out and shook hands with everyone. ‘I was a marching girl,’ she said, ‘ka pai koutou.’ Then Maggie hopped back in the train and took off. ‘Whoo woo’, sang the train as it vanished into the night. Everyone waved and blew kisses at the driver. and Jean, the Guard, waved back.

The black caped figure finally arrived but Marta was already saved. The black caped figure was late. As usual.

‘I’d give up trying to be a hero,’ Majella told her.

‘I don’t think you’re cut out for it,’ agreed Paddy, ‘and anyway that era is over, Rover.’

So the black caped figure sloped off. She didn’t mutter curses though. What she did was decide that her dream of wanting to be a hero was over. Clearly it wasn’t her destiny. She made up her mind to become a poet. Which is truly an heroic decision. So she became a good one and realised later that wanting to be a hero in a melodrama had just been a step on the way to finding out what she really wanted. Anyone can be a hero but not everyone can be a poet.

Back at the cottage old Silas was once again promising to turn over a new leaf but as he’d promised that before, no–one took any notice so he had to get up and make his own tea. This was very good for his character.

And Marta and the Otaki Old Girl’s Marching Team had a big party and sang old songs and ate lots of fish and chips and when they were sleepy and ready for bed they all stood up and sang with great fervour –  ‘As we go marching, marching‘ – and gradually, happily, they all fell asleep with smiles on their faces – they were tired but their hearts were happy and their dreams were full of roses.

The End
